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Can Cats Eat Pears? Are Pears Good For Cats?

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Key Takeaways

  • Cats can have pears, but only in moderation.
  • Pears are full of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fiber which helps digestion. However, too much fiber can result in diarrhea.
  • Pears are linked to a lower risk of diabetes and may help in weight loss.
  • They are also safe for kittens to eat, but should be given in small quantities.

The short answer to the question can cats eat pears is yes. Even if it happens to be as weird as a fruit-like pear! She will chow down every bit of it.

But don’t encourage this habit of your pet. Swallowing down fruits on daily basis can be toxic for their health. On top of that, if you think since pears are not that toxic, cats can have pears-flavored pastries! A big no, they can’t!

Want to know more about the complicated relationship between cats and pears? Keep Reading!

can cats eat pears

Can Cats Have Pears?

The short answer is yes, cats can safely eat pears, but only in moderation. In fact, Small slices of pears can help in promoting anti-cancer properties for felines. Also, Pears are full of beneficial vitamins, minerals, and fiber which helps digestion. However, Too much fiber can result in diarrhea.

Yes, cats can have pears, they have numerous benefits, the following benefits are very useful for our cats:

  • Linked to a lower risk of diabetes.
  • May help in weight loss.
  • Promote gut health.

The following health benefits are most prominent and also applicable for the health of your feline. Most of the time, whenever we think of giving our cat anything ”sweet” the only thought to hold us up is that they ain’t good for cats.

Cats or even dogs are not adaptive to sugar, it is harmful to them. A cat who has been feed daily on sugar will face problems such as weight gain, diabetes, and tooth problems. That’s why you will never hear your vet saying ” include fruits in your cat’s diet” But pears can be one of the safest sweet fruit which will not trigger any such health issues.

Are Pears Toxic for Cats?

It’s not just pears that can be toxic for cats, but rather anything in the excessive quantity can be poison to cats. Felines Can’t taste sweetness, Study Finds Some researchers have since quite a while ago presumed that cats are obligate carnivores, and “sweet blind”.

can cats have pears

So, why does your feline want to steal a bite of pears from you? Something other than the sweet flavor may pique your cat’s interest, which is the umami flavor and amino acids that are there in pears.

They can get addicted to the pears for other reasons, so make sure to not let that happen. If your cat accidentally ate pears flavored pastries or any other item, then it changes the risk factor, as pastries do not contain all-natural ingredients, so you can’t consider them as safe cat food.

Pears flavored pastries contain xylitol. Relatively small amounts of xylitol can cause a quick release of insulin in cats, resulting in hypoglycemia (low blood sugar).

Even if your pet survives the exposure, liver failure is unfortunately prevalent. It is exceedingly poisonous.

Though, pears are safe for cats. Yet they are very rich in fibers, that’s why they are used as a supplement in weight loss by humans, but too much fiber for cats can cause diarrhea, as they have a comparatively small stomach than us. This means to determine the quantity will take a lot of math.

Also Read: Can Kittens Eat Papaya, Do cat eat fruits?

Best Way to Feed Pears

Pears safe for cats, the only one best way for feeding, which is the following:

  • Wash the fresh pears thoroughly to remove all the dust, it helps to eliminate microorganisms from the surface of fruits and vegetables, including E. coli. All fruits and vegetables should be washed before eating to ensure that they are clean and to help remove bacteria from the outside.
  • Bacteria can also be removed by peeling or boiling fruits and vegetables.
  • Make sure to remove the steam as well as the seeds of pears, they can be toxic for your cats.
  • Chop the fleshy part or dice into very small parts, as small as a kibble.
  • If you are offering a kitten, 1 piece is enough for her.
  • For bigger cats, 2 pieces are enough.
  • You can also boil them in water if raw pears does not seem like a suitable option for your cat.

Note: strictly avoid giving your pet any pear-flavored pastries as they contain added sugar(xylitol) which is extremely dangerous for your cats!

Nutritional Benefit of Feeding Pears to Cats!

Pears are fill up with nutrient C, nutrient A, and fiber, and make an extraordinary nibble for felines and canines when served with some restraint.

cats and pears

Likewise, with apples and oranges, pear seeds contain hints of cyanide and ought to be taken out before taking care of your pet.

Pears have cancer-fighting properties, and this is a quality that is the same for both humans and cats. It has no sodium, cholesterol, and fats which makes it so efficient for consumption, which is so necessary because mostly Sweet things can trigger cats’ cardiovascular systems.

Boiling veggies make them free from any sort of pesticide, but we won’t do the same for fruits. That’s why washing them thoroughly before giving, removes 99% traces of pesticide.

These important, evidently taking place vitamins assist hold fitness by slowing the adverse oxidative manner of cell molecules. This will be in particular important for kittens who are being vaccinated even as their immune machine remains growing.

When Are Pears Harmful for Cats?

Cats can eat fruits. But does it mean that the benefits humans get from eating pears remain the same when eaten by cats? A big no!

Your cat’s stomach is pretty small from yours, with that it’s not designed in the same way, so what’s beneficial for you can be harmful to poor cats. The plump piece of pears is alright for felines to eat in little amounts. Peer pips or their seeds are not, they are harmful to the kitty.

These things contain cyanogenic glycosides, which can influence blood oxygen levels and kill your feline whenever eaten in an inadequate amount.

In case you’re taking care of the proportion, ensure it contains no pips because it has a toxin name cyanide, a deadly poison. So always avoid the seeds and pips of pears completely. And even if that’s her favorite food, just don’t let innocent eyes fool you into giving huge amounts.

What if My Cats Overeat Pears?

If your cat eats more than two pieces of pears per day, then there are chances she will face side effects. Many times, pet owners make the mistake of assuming that if a fruit is safe for cats to digest, they will feed them more than is required.

are cats allergic to pears
  • Already, when your cat doesn’t need any fruits like pears, it’s already an add-on to her diet. Overfeeding should be avoided!
  • Pears are very rich in fibers, that’s why they are used as a supplement in weight loss by humans, but too much fiber for cats can cause diarrhea, upset stomach, or even vomiting. They have a comparatively small stomach than us.
  • Pears have a variety of pesticides, so if your cat eats one or two pieces it is fine, but if she chucks onto more than that she could witness gastrointestinal distress.
  • Documented allergies are very less in cats from eating pears. That doesn’t mean it’s zero, if your cat is having any other health issues, feeding her something in excessive amount, especially something which is not meant to be for her, will trigger the conditions!

Can Kittens Eat Pears?

Yes, kittens can eat pears, it is not toxic for them.

But wait, though kittens have a relatively rapid teething process, they are born with no teeth! They won’t be able to eat hard fruits such as pears as it gives a lot of pain to their crunch. So it’s best if you keep them away from such fruits.

Still, if you want to give some benefits of pears to your beloved kitty, boiling them or peeling off the skin is a better and safer option.

This will make it super soft and easily digestive. The maximum quantity to feed your cat with pear is to give them not more than one slice.


Pears are something which has multiple qualities on humans’ health, it can be good for cats too! Only when given in proper amount, which is not more than 1 or 2 pieces!

Raw or cooked, both forms are safe for your cat. They are linked to a lower risk of diabetes, May helps in weight loss, and promote healthy gums.

So the bottom line for, ”can cat eat pears” is yes, but we don’t recommend it! Feeding pears to cats in an inappropriate amount raise the risk of diarrhea as they are rich in fibers, that’s why they are used as a supplement in weight loss by humans. Whereas, documented allergies are very less in cats from eating pears.

Approved by Veterinary – Anthony Brooks, DVM!

Also Read: Cats Eat Pineapple


  1. Can Cats Eat Pears – Stalking cat
  2. Can Dogs and Cats Eat Fruit? – Hills Pet
  3. Fruits and veggies for pets – Trupanion

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