How to Get a Cat Out of a Tree — Here’s What You Can Do
Anyone who has ever owned a kitty cat knows that their pet likes to climb on high places, such as kitchen counters or on top of furniture. In fact, cats just love climbing on things, they’re just acting on their …
How to Stop a Cat Scratching Herself: All You Need to Know
Cats are infamous for having weird habits, but some people don’t know that there might be a reasonable excuse for them. As we all know, cats like to groom themselves by licking or scratching. But when the scratching goes out …
How Long Is a Cat Pregnant?
Many times, pet parents don’t know about their cat’s pregnancy until her due dates knock on the door. It’s not your fault that you couldn’t trace earlier about her pregnancy. As we know, cats are experts at hiding symptoms, health-related …
Why Does My Cat Lick My Face? 9 Interesting Reasons
You must have seen your beloved cat licking the face of other cats or its own, and it seems completely normal to you, what raises the eyebrows is, why does my cat lick my face! Now, we understand that it …
Why Cats Like to Be Petted? 5 Amazing Reasons!
Breaking the stereotype, cats do like to be petted! Petting your cat is fun and beneficial for both, you and her. In fact, it can reduce the amount of stress for both. Why cats like to be petted? A cat …
Why Does My Cat Lick My Hand?
Sometimes being licked by your feline pal is sweet, when you are cuddling, petting her. However, when she excessively starts repeating her, licking action. That puts you in a dilemma. Makes you wonder, why does my cat lick my hands? …
How to Get Cat Pee Smell Out of Clothes Effectively
One fine day, when you wake up from a sound sleep and find a cat pee on your clothes, turns off the sound of chirping birds in your head. And all of a sudden, your present mood takes no time …
Are Lilies Toxic to Cats? Is Lily Safe for Cats?
Are lilies toxic to cats? Can it kill my cat? Continue reading for the answers! Our cats can be Dora the explorer when it comes to exploring new things, basically, nothing is spared from their sight and smell! In such …
Are Succulents Toxic to Cats? Let’s Find Out
While as per the survey, succulent plants are one of the desired houseplants by plantsperson. It is one of the quickest and easiest houseplants to look after, as it requires low maintenance. However, are succulents toxic to cats? If ingested …