Why Does My Cat Stare at Me Without Blinking?
It’s a weekend morning, you are chilling with your morning coffee and cookies. And suddenly you get a vibe that someone is staring at you. Guess what? Boom, it’s your kitty who is staring at you unblinkingly, this might have …
Why Are My Cat Nails Splitting? Reasons and Solutions
Cats shed their nails naturally it’s a part of their grooming session, they shed their older layer of claws so that healthy strong and sharp nails can grow. However, the majority of the pet parents have this concern and thought …
How to Stop Cats From Scratching Leather Furniture?
Imagine you are saving for a long time to buy yourself a comfortable leather couch, and eventually, you completed your wish. On the weekend morning, you were ready to chill on your favorite leather couch. But Oops! What you notice …
Why Does My Cat Stare at Me?
Every day, encountering new unusual behavior of your kitty is not a big deal for you now. So, if you have ever caught your cat staring continuously, then my friend, let me tell you, it is also part of their …
Cat Love Bites: Why They Do It? How to Respond?
Cats carry out many unusual behaviors, and decoding the signs becomes a task for pet parents. As per studies and experiences, it has been concluded that felines show their affection, anger, attention, through different sign languages, and biting is one …
Why Does My Cat Meow When I Sneeze? Here’s What You Need to Know
If there is something that can irritate your nose, it is likely that it can make you sneeze. But sneezing also happens when your body wants to expel unwanted germs. However, it is one of the things that you can’t …
Why Cats Bring You Dead Animals: Here’s All You Need to Know
Monkeys love bananas. Parrots love nuts. Dogs love chewing bones. And cats love chasing mice. Isn’t that how it works? And if you are a proud cat parent of a free-roaming-kitty cat, then you’ve likely found a dead animal or …
How Much Does a Cat Teeth Cleaning Cost?
So, you are planning to adopt a cat; well, make sure you know cat teeth cleaning cost and do not forget dental care bills, her health insurance, and other stuff. To be precise, on dental health because most of us …