7 Ways to Deworm Your Cat Naturally!

Deworming cats naturally has many benefits. Many pet cats may get infected with intestinal parasites and may not even show any symptoms. Kittens are more likely to get infested, as they have weak immune and gastrointestinal systems. They can become …

How to Keep Cats Away From Bird Feeders?

Cats are obligate carnivores, natural expert solitary hunters, they quietly prey on their target and then attack. Felines prey on a wide range of animals including insects, birds, and rodents. It’s not necessary that only outdoor cats are active hunters, …

Can Cats Drink Milk? Is it Good for Them?

We all have experienced watching cats drink milk in our lifetime, but have you ever wondered if they are supposed to drink milk…? Milk is an excellent source of nutrients like Calcium, Vitamin-D, Proteins, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin …