Affordable Spay/Neuter Services in Terre Haute

Owning a pet comes with numerous responsibilities, and one crucial aspect is ensuring their reproductive health. In an effort to promote responsible cat ownership, Pet Friendly Services of Indiana has teamed up with Public Vet to provide financial assistance for …

Varenzin-CA1: A breakthrough treatment for feline anemia

Chronic kidney disease (CKD) is a serious condition in cats that requires daily management, and one of its complications is nonregenerative anemia. Until now, there has been no FDA-approved erythropoietin treatment for cats with this condition. However, Elanco’s Varenzin-CA1 has …

7 Tips To Care After Neutering Your Cat Or Dog

Neutering is an essential step of proper pet care. The procedure doesn’t merely control the population; it equates to a healthier and longer life for your pet. Studies show that neutering protects against reproductive cancer and reduces behavioral issues. However, …