Can Cats Eat Chicken? Quench Your Curiosity Now!
Is your cat watching you excitedly as you eat the chicken? Before you feed your cat you should read this article, it will save your cat from salmonella, E. coli, toxoplasmosis & other diseases. We all know that cats are …
The 11 Best Ear Mite Treatments for Cats in 2023
Most of the time, ear mite infections have been treated with old home remedies such as baby oil or coconut oil. Dripped into your pal’s ears, they smother away the ear mites like Noah’s flood. But there are cases when …
Can Cats Watch TV? Do They Understand It?
You must have noticed your cat staring at the TV screen during some shows, sometimes even reacting to it..!! Well, they can see the screen and it becomes difficult for them to distinguish between what is real and what is …
What to Do If My Cat Ate Chocolate? All You Need to Know!
Being pet parents you have to be extra careful with your kitty’s eating habits. We know, cats are curious, and when it comes to eating something from their pet parents’ dish, they are keen to taste it. If we talk …
The 5 Best Medicated Shampoos for Cats in 2023
Here is a review of our 5 best-medicated cat shampoos for your cat! Cats indeed spent half of their time licking and grooming themselves, which is why you might think there’s no need for bathing them like human babies. But …
7 Ways to Deworm Your Cat Naturally!
Deworming cats naturally has many benefits. Many pet cats may get infected with intestinal parasites and may not even show any symptoms. Kittens are more likely to get infested, as they have weak immune and gastrointestinal systems. They can become …
The 10 Best Cat Clippers for Matted Fur in 2023
Have you ever wondered why your cat’s getting matted fur and how to get rid of it…? When a cat is not brushed or groomed for a long time, he might get mats on his fur, mats are a sign …
How to Keep Cats Away From Bird Feeders?
Cats are obligate carnivores, natural expert solitary hunters, they quietly prey on their target and then attack. Felines prey on a wide range of animals including insects, birds, and rodents. It’s not necessary that only outdoor cats are active hunters, …
Can Cats Drink Milk? Is it Good for Them?
We all have experienced watching cats drink milk in our lifetime, but have you ever wondered if they are supposed to drink milk…? Milk is an excellent source of nutrients like Calcium, Vitamin-D, Proteins, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B12, and Vitamin …