Why Do Cats Reach Paws Out?
Thinking why do cats reach paws out? What they are trying to communicate? There are many ways cats express their emotions, but it’s not always possible for us to understand all the sign language. So, even if you’re able to …
Can Cats Eat Roses? Are Roses Safe for Cats?
You came back from the work and found your mischievous kitty in the backyard, and you were shocked by seeing her eating roses. The first thing you did, take her away from the plants and out of anxiety consult her …
Can Cats Eat Pickles?
While eating your sandwiches with pickle, your pickle falls to the ground, and your cat runs to eat it, causing you to panic because she has devoured a large portion of it! You don’t know can cats eat pickles and …
Why Do Cats Smell So Good? 5 Surprising Reasons
Your cat will never disappoint you when it comes to her smell! It’s not just in your head, the fact that cats are fastidious groomers is true, and they smell wonderful! But how can it make her smell good and …
Why Do Cats Purr? What Does It Mean!
Being a cat parent is always thrilling, as cats can be anything but predictable, and that’s why you get to experience new things now and then. Especially when she starts vibrating in your lap! There is something really amazing about …
5 Reasons Cat Does Not Purr! All You Need to Know!
Studies have shown that a cat’s purr can help to keep humans healthy, cats purr when they are enjoying the petting sessions or a tasty treat! However, that’s not the only situation, some cats also purr in pain. So is …
Why Do Cats Meow at Night? 7 Reasons for This Behavior
Why do cats meow at night? A question often asked by many cat parents. While meowing, in general, is a form of communication with people, adult cats don’t actually meow at each other. However, kittens use this form of vocalization …
Can Cats Eat Broccoli? Is It Safe to Feed?
My cat came close to me one day as I was roaming around my kitchen, tilting her tail as if she was looking for food, and when I invaded my refrigerator, there was nothing left but broccoli! This made me …
1000+ Cute Cat Names for Every Kitty Cat
It doesn’t matter if your cat is black, orange, white, or gray; she surely deserves a cute and catchy moniker that fits just right. And to make the brainstorming naming ideas for your cat more fun for you, we have …