Why Does My Cat Bite My Nose? 9 Reasons Behind This Behavior
Cats, these little, cute furballs, have a reputation of being very skittish and mysterious at one moment and within a fraction of seconds they can turn out to be completely opposite. From one of many such things’ cat perform which …
Why Is My Cat Pooping on the Floor?
Generally, felines like to bury their waste, so the litter box should be their favorite place to do their business. However, sometimes cats might poop on the floor, and this unusual behavior creates confusion in pet parents’ minds. If kittens …
Why Do Mother Cats Eat Their Kittens? 7 Thrilling Reasons
Any female is blessed with a natural nurturing instinct for her babies, but do all mothers have the same love and care for their babies? Well no! You can’t agree with that universally. Because some mother cats tend to eat …
How to Give a Cat a Flea Bath Without Getting Scratched
Bathing and cats! It does not just sound like a tough job, but it actually is a very draining job if you don’t know the right way! On top of it, if your cat gets fleas, which is very common …
How to Get Cat Pee Smell Out of Carpet? Easy Ways!
The downside of being a parent to any kid, if it’s human babies or cats, is that they are going to pee and poo where ever they want to! Living with pungent-smelling urine can be very irritating, especially if they …
5 Amazing DIY Cat Tent Teepees Ideas
Are you bored of traditional teepees available in the market? Are you someone who wants exclusive things for their pet? Well, why not DIY cat tent teepees then? Yes, you can craft it at home with your family and friends. …
Reasons Why My Cat Chews on My Hair and Tips to Stop It
Cats love licking, biting their owner, it’s their way of showing some affection, love towards them, or grabbing their attention. However, there are situations where felines love to chew pet parents’ hair, they often become compulsive chewers. On the other …
Why Do Cats Sleep at the Foot of Bed?
Parenting a cat means learning new things, every day. Whether, be it in terms of their eating habits, mood swings, or unusual behaviors which frequently she carries out. Such as licking your hand, sleeping on your chest or between the …
Savannah Cat Colors & Patterns (With Pictures)
Do you know genetic mutation plays an important role to give cats color? If you’re thinking to adopt a pet Savannah cat, then you must read this article before buying! Well, this is because you must know there are various …