Why Is My Cat Pooping on the Floor?

Generally, felines like to bury their waste, so the litter box should be their favorite place to do their business. However, sometimes cats might poop on the floor, and this unusual behavior creates confusion in pet parents’ minds. If kittens …

5 Amazing DIY Cat Tent Teepees Ideas

Are you bored of traditional teepees available in the market? Are you someone who wants exclusive things for their pet? Well, why not DIY cat tent teepees then? Yes, you can craft it at home with your family and friends. …

Why Do Cats Sleep at the Foot of Bed?

Parenting a cat means learning new things, every day. Whether, be it in terms of their eating habits, mood swings, or unusual behaviors which frequently she carries out. Such as licking your hand, sleeping on your chest or between the …