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16 Reasons Why Cats Stick Their Tongues Out

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While I was taking my kitty out for a walk I noticed that she was moving her tongue out of her mouth. Initially, I found it adorable but when she continuously keep on repeating I was worried and was not able to understand what is wrong with her!

Well, most cat parents come across such a situation on a daily basis if you are also bothered about why cats stick their tongues out then you’ve crashed on the right page.

This behavior is either due to health problems like respiratory infection, heatstroke, infection in gums, or dementia.

why do cats stick their tongues out

Why Does Your Cat Stick Her Tongue Out!

If you find that your cat’s tongue is out, and she doesn’t take it back for long when you took her for a car ride then she’s suffering from travel anxiety or motion sickness.

Other than that if the cat is sticking her tongue out in a hot environment then it could possibly be because she is trying to maintain her body temperature.

1. Your Cat Has Periodontal Disease

Do you know as per research and studies, 50 to 90 percent of cats over the age of four have dental disease of some kind?

The reason why do cats stick their tongues out is because of this also. Check whether your cat is suffering from gingivitis, or has painful tooth decay or abscess. If yes, then it is triggering and can lead to a major issue. Therefore, oral hygiene is a must!

2. Too Hot To Handle!

Do you know cats pant a lot to modulate their body temperature?

And, this is the second reason why do cats stick their tongues out!

If you live in a hot humid environment it can make your cat stick her tongue out a lot. This is also common if she is sick due to fever or if she has done a lot of physical activity.

3. Ingested Poisonous Things

In case your cat has ingested a household cleaner or anything poisonous from the surrounding she will pant to get rid of the toxin.

It is her body’s defense mechanism to fight against poisonous things. She will excessively drool and move her tongue out repeatedly.

You will notice her vomiting, she may even faint or face issues in breathing. In such cases, you must immediately run to your vet as soon as possible!

4. Maybe Due to Respiratory Infection

If your cat is affected by sinuses or face problem in breathing or is asthmatic she will drool and pant a lot.

When she faces a problem in taking oxygen she will move her tongue out to try to inhale more oxygen.

In case she is affected by a breathing issue she will have the following symptoms

Watery eyes
Lack of coordination
Not interested in grooming
Loss of appetite

5. She Has Motion Sickness

Your cat can also face travel anxiety! Yes, it is normal in cats so don’t worry about it much. Generally, when you take your cat for a car ride she will face motion sickness and because of that, she moves her tongue out continuously to comfort herself.

why does a cat stick its tongue out

But, in case even after the ride is over she still repeats then it is not normal, and you must speak to your vet.

6. She Is Infected by Stomatitis

Stomatitis is a medical condition under which your cats face chronic inflammation. The mouth’s soft tissues (gingiva and mucosa) are impacted.

Her complete mouth will be affected even the back of the cat’s mouth.

Symptoms of stomatitis in cats are the following

Inefficiency in grooming
Inefficiency to eat
Difficulty to close mouth

7. Your Feline Friend Has Dementia

Dementia is also noted as feline cognitive dysfunction. This is like Alzheimer’s often occurs with age. Basically, it is an old cat health problem that develops with aging.

Wondering how dementia is the reason why do cats stick their tongues out? Well, they basically forget to take their tongue back inside the mouth. And, to your knowledge, there is no treatment for dementia.

8. Alert! She Is Getting Ready to Puke

When your cat feels like vomiting she will tend to stick her tongue out. In case you feed her new food then it is more likely to happen.

9. Your Feline Is a Compulsive Licker

Sometimes it is not because of something serious it can also be due to general cat behavior of licking things excessively and drooling.

If your cat is a compulsive licker then moving her tongue out is very common. There is nothing to be worried about until she tends to do it more than often.

why does my cat's tongue stick out a little

10. Collecting Pheromones

The flehmen response is common in cats. This is quite literally when cat used their tongue to gather pheromones from their surrounding.

It helps them to explore and receive information about other felines in its surrounding. They can also detect if they’re in heat or not.

11. Just Chilling

When your cat is in a tranquil mood she will open her jaw and move out the tip of the tongue a little.

You will also notice this more while she is asleep. She will stick out her tongue and close her eyes and have a deep sleep.

It is also more likely to happen when you are giving her a treat and petting her.

12. Relax, It’s Because Food Got Stuck

Nothing to be worried about if your cat keeps moving her tongue out after she had her lunch or dinner. As it can be because food is lodged inside her teeth, and it keeps irritating her, so she uses her tongue to remove the food.

This is just like we humans do!

13. Simply, Grooming

There is nothing strange in it that your cat’s favorite activity is to groom herself. Right!

They have small thorny pieces on their mouth which are made of keratin majorly known as papillae which helps your cat to groom her hair appropriately.

So in case, your feline friend is moving her tongue out it can be because she was grooming a while ago.

14. Due To Flat Face

Some cat breeds have flat faces like Persian cats. You will notice generally their tongue is always out of their mouth. This is because their mouth shape is flat and there is not much space to keep the tongue inside.

why do cats leave their tongue out

15. Missing Front Teeth

Has your cat lost her front teeth recently?

Well, if in case it is yes then that is another reason why do cats stick their tongues out.

The formation of the tongue is such that it helps your cat to keep her tongue inside back. In fact, if she loses it her tongue will often slip out of the mouth, and thus, her tongue is always out.

16. Enjoying New Texture of Food!

Have you recently changed your cat food?

When cats come across new food and texture they also tend to stick their tongue out of their mouth. They try to feel the texture and the taste of the new cat food.

Well, That’s a Wrap!

In conclusion to why do cats stick their tongues out is either because of health problems or could be because of general cat behavior. Maybe she is curious about new cat food taste and texture, or simply she is trying to gather pheromones to know whether cats are around her or not.

Other than that it can also be because of respiratory problems or dental issues. In case she is facing any of the issues you must take her to the vet to control the condition otherwise it can make her health worse.


  1. Why Cats “Blep,” According to Science — Inverse
  2. This is why cats stick their tongue out — PawTracks
  3. Why cats leave their tongues hanging out — Metro

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